Friday, October 30, 2009

Mums advice

My mom is definitely one of the most inspiring people that I know. Now of course, I am not going to go into airing any of her 'dirty laundry' so to speak, she can tell her story if she wants too. But I will tell you that she is the strongest most supportive person on the face of the planet. When I was at my sickest, she didn't let me go. She did all that she could, and then a little bit more, to fight the thing inside of me that was causing my slow death. My mother literally saved my life. She is also the type of person who walks her talk, and she has done so much work on herself, and been the catalyst for so much of her own self growth. She does not just sit back and let what has happened to her completely affect her way of life in the presant. She is brave and she tackles all of her own issues. Her courage to face her demons gave me the courage to face mine. And as I have been reflecting on how goddess like my mother is, I have thought of several bits of wisdom she has given me. And I want to share them with you. 1. She taught me how important it is to just sit with your agitation/stress/anxiety. She told me to just take it in my mind, find a quiet space and don't try to fix it, just sit with it. This always works to bring a level of peace, even if it does not help you to eradicate the source completely. 2. Journal your feelings, just getting them out of your head and onto paper will immediate bring them into a perspective that is close to reality. Talking about them is the next step 3. face your fear. The greatest gifts are always hidden behind the most fear. Fear should never be the reason you do not pursue a dream. 4. Focus on the life you want, do not dwell on the things that make the one you have now not what you want. My mom told me once, when I was freaking out about my weight, that even if I stayed at the horrifically high (in my opinion at the time) weight, I could still fully live my dream. My weight has no effect on how I live my dreams, unless I give it the power. Shifting my focus from the one thing that I couldn't really change at the time (my weight) to my goals in life, and how I was going to go about achieving them, put everything into perspective. My body is going to do what it is going to do. I will of course eat well, work out and do my best to take care of it, but I cannot control what it does. I can control how many of my dreams I shoot for, and how full of passion my life is. I can focus on getting to know myself deeply and fully, and expressing that with all I have. This is what is important. She taught me to pursue the life of my dreams, not the weight of my dreams. To expand my focus, and not give my fears of weight so much influence. I am free to live my life at any weight, only I hold me back! This is what I have learned from my mother, the saint. I hope this can help you too. Also, please post comments! I still really want this to be a discussion board. Your going to get bored with me eventually!


  1. What a way to honour your mother! I'm sure she cried reading this....Not only do you listen to your mother, you actually take her advice! She seems to have offered 'quite good' advice! Very inspirational to all.

  2. It sounds like you have a wonderful mother!

    Thanks for a beautiful post... it reminded me of how lucky I am to have my amazing mom as well :)

  3. Well, I do have a pretty great mom! I really really do ahve a wonderful mother!
