Every thing that we do is an expression of the self. We are all to big to fit in to a single title. Be all, or you will implode with UN-tapped potential.
Let all things be your creative expression and interpretation of the potential of the moment you are in.
The only failure is to ignore the potential of each moment to be altering or transformitive in some way.
Forget striving. As you express your uniqueness in each moment, you will inevitably walk out your destiny.
If you'r disappointed, something has yet to be revealed, hold on.
Its ironic how we represent time as cyclical, (the shape of a clock is round, and the numbers go around and around from one to twelve over and over again) yet we operate as though it is linear.
Faith without deed is dead, but deed without faith lacks life giving potential.
Don't mistake your perception for reality.
When we feel we are laking inspiration for creativity, we are discounting something we are doing as being creative.
Gods greatest achievement was, and is, getting us to be still.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Hello general public
It is interesting. I have come to discover that my first post was viewed by more than a single pair of eyes. This means more than just my mother! Excellent. Now, a normal person would feel satisfied in this fact, and then would probably proceed to write about whatever it is that was on their minds. I, however am feeling as though I am faced with a dilemma. I made reference to my (at the time) presumed reader as reader(s) in my last post. But now that I know I was graced with more than one, I could remove the bracket, and just assume that my "numbers" will stay up. But does that make me seem presumptuous? Will this lead to an image of pompousness, taking into account that it was only my first blog entry, and people may have just been humoring me? If I do keep the bracket that may make me look as though I have low esteem and confidence in the ability of my writing to hold and audience. This, as we know, can unconsciously convince people that they shouldn't read my posts, due to the fact that even the author has little faith in the quality of the writing. So now I am not sure what I should do. Maybe I could discard referencing the reader at all? So I am going to have to ask you, my reader or readers, to please, comment, let me know that is best. For the rest of my post, I am going to just stick to the reader(s) option, before the feed back pours in.
Now, I am reading a book about the feminine journey to a place of power and embracing a female point of view where spirituality is concerned. I am having a time and a half trying to really understand what the author is trying to communicate to me through the telling of her journey. To be perfectly transparent, I feel that some of the content of the book is very new age, full of many symbols and rituals and awakenings. But I do think that the basic point behind it, to have a spiritual place that is purely feminine, and not a path that is filtered through a male dominated experience, is going to be very freeing. I don't know how much you want to now about my inner struggle reader(s), but being a girl is, at times, hard for me. I was under the incorrect assumption for many years that to be female meant to be weak, dependant, quiet, small and submissive. To be at the foot of the man that is over us. But I am seeing now that this is not at all how God intended it to be. Females are nurturing and loving and domestic to be sure, but we are also strong. Men were called to work and provide for his family, but women were given the task of growing and delivering children, nine months of giving up her own body to another being. Then we are responsible to the next generation to raise competent and well rounded human beings who can take our civilization where we ourselves could not take it. When I think about it, God gave his ONLY son, to a woman to care for. He trusted his most sacred and beloved creation to Mary. This has to say something about the importance of the female presence. And really, the world might just be a little sadder, if it were not for the creativity and expression of the female. What do you believe reader(s)? I think that woman need to embrace their femininity, not as weakness, but as a strength that is all our own. It is not masculine strength, and that is good, because if we were all strong in the same thing, we would all be weak in the same thing. I think that one of the keys to feminine freedom is being around real men who are stepping up and taking their place. We need to be surrounded by men who are realizing their callings, because that frees us to do the same in our lives. Bottom line, we need each other to be complete, because that frees us to be complete ourselves. Life should be a partnership between male and female, not a composition. Women should strive to be real, whole women, and men real and whole men. In this way we can support one another in the way we need to. We can compensate for one another, its just that this saps our energy that would be better spent in other places.
So what would Jesus do reader(s)? Feed back. I want this blog to be a way of starting discussion, and finding out what others think about things. So please, let us know!
Now, I am reading a book about the feminine journey to a place of power and embracing a female point of view where spirituality is concerned. I am having a time and a half trying to really understand what the author is trying to communicate to me through the telling of her journey. To be perfectly transparent, I feel that some of the content of the book is very new age, full of many symbols and rituals and awakenings. But I do think that the basic point behind it, to have a spiritual place that is purely feminine, and not a path that is filtered through a male dominated experience, is going to be very freeing. I don't know how much you want to now about my inner struggle reader(s), but being a girl is, at times, hard for me. I was under the incorrect assumption for many years that to be female meant to be weak, dependant, quiet, small and submissive. To be at the foot of the man that is over us. But I am seeing now that this is not at all how God intended it to be. Females are nurturing and loving and domestic to be sure, but we are also strong. Men were called to work and provide for his family, but women were given the task of growing and delivering children, nine months of giving up her own body to another being. Then we are responsible to the next generation to raise competent and well rounded human beings who can take our civilization where we ourselves could not take it. When I think about it, God gave his ONLY son, to a woman to care for. He trusted his most sacred and beloved creation to Mary. This has to say something about the importance of the female presence. And really, the world might just be a little sadder, if it were not for the creativity and expression of the female. What do you believe reader(s)? I think that woman need to embrace their femininity, not as weakness, but as a strength that is all our own. It is not masculine strength, and that is good, because if we were all strong in the same thing, we would all be weak in the same thing. I think that one of the keys to feminine freedom is being around real men who are stepping up and taking their place. We need to be surrounded by men who are realizing their callings, because that frees us to do the same in our lives. Bottom line, we need each other to be complete, because that frees us to be complete ourselves. Life should be a partnership between male and female, not a composition. Women should strive to be real, whole women, and men real and whole men. In this way we can support one another in the way we need to. We can compensate for one another, its just that this saps our energy that would be better spent in other places.
So what would Jesus do reader(s)? Feed back. I want this blog to be a way of starting discussion, and finding out what others think about things. So please, let us know!
Sunday, February 15, 2009
But what are the rules?
I am unsure of the rules of blogging. Is it against the protocol to post more than one blog in a single day? If it is, I apologize in advance to all of the bloggers out there who are diligent with the laws that govern blogging, for I am ignorant.
Blogging may or may not turn out to be a big responsibility. It will most likely require honesty and candidness, (convinced that is a real word) two areas of life I am sorely lacking practice in. It is also going to demand consistency of me, which may or may not be something that comes with effort. I don't lack discipline, just the desire to air my dirty laundry. But considering I have initiated this blog all on my own, I must have a hidden desire for the world (or the blogging community, whichever comes first) to know the inner workings of my...self.
Writing one's feelings out in a place where others are likely to read them, is much different than the confines of a personal avenue, such as a diary. A diary with lock and key that you hide under your underwear in the bottom drawer in the back of your closet. (No, I don't actually do that, but I think it illustrates my point effectively, so leave it be) Are there some things not to be said in a public platform, even though the entire idea of a blog is to be a place of expressing ones deepest and possibly darkest thoughts, feelings and emotions? I suppose I will learn all this as I go. Personally, I would rather know such things before even embarking, but it is a little on the late side of things now I suppose.
So here you are reader, you have possibly just spent several minutes of your life reading the previous paragraphs, and have learned little to nothing about me. You may be thinking that this is the worlds most pointless blog, but I promise, they will not all be a jumble of mishmashes thoughts and general inquiries about the nature of blogging. I thought for the sake of courtesy, I should start with the lighter side of life, so as not to deter anyone. I am sure you understand.
I have spent the last few weeks glued to my pillow. I have become sleepy at the drop of the sun, and had a wrenching time getting my eye lids to stay open long enough to find my feet to the floor at the crack of noon. And now, as you may notice, it is friken seven o'clock (pirate word) in the morning, and I have already been awake long enough to create a whole new blog and two posts. What the shit is that about? I think my body really walks to the beat of it's own piano player. It's not even normal enough to have a drummer. Or maybe it is my brain that is off kilter? I do tend to go though phases of extremeness (I am aware that is defiantly not a work, let it go) in almost all of my behaviours. I eat to the extreme, work out the the extreme, rest to the extreme, think to the extreme. I figure I swing wildly one way, only to ping back wildly the other way, so in my own little way, I am balanced. Off kilter or not, this is the brain I have, and I think I will keep it. So there, first problem of the day solved.
Today is Sunday, which is most often my most interesting day of the week. I attend a charismatic Christin church, full of radical and not so radical people of faith. I feel I fall somewhere in the middle, not lacking in faith, just the radical nature. I have been walking with God for as long as memory serves, so I wasn't "radically" saved myself, per-say. I do have a healthy fervor, but anyways. Sundays consist of worship, coffee break, message, random acts of time filling home doings and young adults. (Give or take.) And to the naked eye this may seem mundane, but in actuality, the naked eye would be wrong. I am surrounded by prophetic people. This makes life exciting. I often go to church feeling I am on the cusp of a huge revelation about my life, a deliverance into the next phase. It may be an unhealthy expectation of mine, but I usually do go to my assembly looking forward to a big happening of sorts. I also really look forward to seeing the people I don't get to see often during the week. I find the most interesting people are the ones who rarely but consistently cross your path. They are they ones you know enough about to be interested, but are still surprised by the things they reveal about themselves as time passes. It is not at any sort of comfort level yet, but the spark of intrigue has been ignited. I feel like church is a large metaphor for life. You pretty much get a good cross section of personality types. And sitting back and watching the interactions play themselves out is by far one of my favorite pass times. I know I might look withdrawn and possibly a tad on the creepy side of things when I sit alone at church watching everyone, but really, sometimes it is more fun to just witness, instead of participating all the time. Church is magical, it is a place of higher education (get it!?) of relationship, of worship, of enlightenment, and often a place of airing wounds, generally not by choice, but rather necessity. People see through people there, which is what makes it fascinating and fear inducing for me. But I go, just to see what will happen.
And alas reader, I feel I must conclude today's ramblings, less I loose your attention completely, rendering my blog moot, for lack of active readers. If I am correct, you have learned a little bit about me, I have aired a few thoughts and feelings, and possibly connected to some one out there, or just to myself. I believe that is defiantly grounds for calling this blog entry a success. Until next time reader(s), I will be Sundaying.
Blogging may or may not turn out to be a big responsibility. It will most likely require honesty and candidness, (convinced that is a real word) two areas of life I am sorely lacking practice in. It is also going to demand consistency of me, which may or may not be something that comes with effort. I don't lack discipline, just the desire to air my dirty laundry. But considering I have initiated this blog all on my own, I must have a hidden desire for the world (or the blogging community, whichever comes first) to know the inner workings of my...self.
Writing one's feelings out in a place where others are likely to read them, is much different than the confines of a personal avenue, such as a diary. A diary with lock and key that you hide under your underwear in the bottom drawer in the back of your closet. (No, I don't actually do that, but I think it illustrates my point effectively, so leave it be) Are there some things not to be said in a public platform, even though the entire idea of a blog is to be a place of expressing ones deepest and possibly darkest thoughts, feelings and emotions? I suppose I will learn all this as I go. Personally, I would rather know such things before even embarking, but it is a little on the late side of things now I suppose.
So here you are reader, you have possibly just spent several minutes of your life reading the previous paragraphs, and have learned little to nothing about me. You may be thinking that this is the worlds most pointless blog, but I promise, they will not all be a jumble of mishmashes thoughts and general inquiries about the nature of blogging. I thought for the sake of courtesy, I should start with the lighter side of life, so as not to deter anyone. I am sure you understand.
I have spent the last few weeks glued to my pillow. I have become sleepy at the drop of the sun, and had a wrenching time getting my eye lids to stay open long enough to find my feet to the floor at the crack of noon. And now, as you may notice, it is friken seven o'clock (pirate word) in the morning, and I have already been awake long enough to create a whole new blog and two posts. What the shit is that about? I think my body really walks to the beat of it's own piano player. It's not even normal enough to have a drummer. Or maybe it is my brain that is off kilter? I do tend to go though phases of extremeness (I am aware that is defiantly not a work, let it go) in almost all of my behaviours. I eat to the extreme, work out the the extreme, rest to the extreme, think to the extreme. I figure I swing wildly one way, only to ping back wildly the other way, so in my own little way, I am balanced. Off kilter or not, this is the brain I have, and I think I will keep it. So there, first problem of the day solved.
Today is Sunday, which is most often my most interesting day of the week. I attend a charismatic Christin church, full of radical and not so radical people of faith. I feel I fall somewhere in the middle, not lacking in faith, just the radical nature. I have been walking with God for as long as memory serves, so I wasn't "radically" saved myself, per-say. I do have a healthy fervor, but anyways. Sundays consist of worship, coffee break, message, random acts of time filling home doings and young adults. (Give or take.) And to the naked eye this may seem mundane, but in actuality, the naked eye would be wrong. I am surrounded by prophetic people. This makes life exciting. I often go to church feeling I am on the cusp of a huge revelation about my life, a deliverance into the next phase. It may be an unhealthy expectation of mine, but I usually do go to my assembly looking forward to a big happening of sorts. I also really look forward to seeing the people I don't get to see often during the week. I find the most interesting people are the ones who rarely but consistently cross your path. They are they ones you know enough about to be interested, but are still surprised by the things they reveal about themselves as time passes. It is not at any sort of comfort level yet, but the spark of intrigue has been ignited. I feel like church is a large metaphor for life. You pretty much get a good cross section of personality types. And sitting back and watching the interactions play themselves out is by far one of my favorite pass times. I know I might look withdrawn and possibly a tad on the creepy side of things when I sit alone at church watching everyone, but really, sometimes it is more fun to just witness, instead of participating all the time. Church is magical, it is a place of higher education (get it!?) of relationship, of worship, of enlightenment, and often a place of airing wounds, generally not by choice, but rather necessity. People see through people there, which is what makes it fascinating and fear inducing for me. But I go, just to see what will happen.
And alas reader, I feel I must conclude today's ramblings, less I loose your attention completely, rendering my blog moot, for lack of active readers. If I am correct, you have learned a little bit about me, I have aired a few thoughts and feelings, and possibly connected to some one out there, or just to myself. I believe that is defiantly grounds for calling this blog entry a success. Until next time reader(s), I will be Sundaying.
The point
The point of time,
culmination of fears.
Holding my gaze,
eyes holding tears.
Seeing the surface,
grasping the depths,
inside is outside,
this is the point of time.
Lines become dim,
space beckons intimacy.
It is the one thing desired,
that weighs on the soul.
Make it stop,
make it go,
hold it in,
let it go.
But what is the point,
the point of our time?
Its to close for comfort,
yet to far to seize.
I want to take back,
those moments in time.
But they are the point.
culmination of fears.
Holding my gaze,
eyes holding tears.
Seeing the surface,
grasping the depths,
inside is outside,
this is the point of time.
Lines become dim,
space beckons intimacy.
It is the one thing desired,
that weighs on the soul.
Make it stop,
make it go,
hold it in,
let it go.
But what is the point,
the point of our time?
Its to close for comfort,
yet to far to seize.
I want to take back,
those moments in time.
But they are the point.
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